Portfolio Category: Projects


You have the honor to take a short tour over one of the most modern platforms for fleet management. You and your customers can now work in an ergonimical and light environment. They can now manage like in a game their vehicle fleet no matter if it is a small or large one. You have…
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A complete platform for searching the nearest cab within a region. Each cab has a GPS device or smartphone sending its location. When a user pins its location on the map first 5 nearest cabs are displayed so the user can pick the passing one. The system is similar to the popular UBER. However, it…
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A special web based application for monitoring of temperature emitting RFID probes. The software features scalable active real time chart, gauge, map locations and property manager for the temperature tags. This application is widely used in medicine and vet incubators.
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Advanced web based map editor for drawing maps for Elpas Eiris systems. It allows drawing regions, hierarchical maps, placement of RFID readers and other objects over the maps. Easy to use solution for creating complex maps of whole facilities in no time.
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